When the Dublin, Ireland based fuel/food court giant looked to develop its own distinct identity in North America, it looked to Upland Architects to assist them with signature branding elements that would be replicated on future sites attaining brand recognition throughout its exterior and interior constructed features.
The challenge began when the Applegreen Real estate team negotiated a new site in Wethersfield, CT. The mission was to design a building while bridging the gap between the client’s desire for a distinct architectural look to attain brand recognition but remain cost effective, satisfy the requirements of the local municipality’s design control regulations, and address the needs of the franchise brand destined to occupy the space.
This project required a high level of coordination with all interested partners. Upland Architects was able to design a building with architectural features that will be used consistently in all future projects. The building offers a unique color pallet and some material features that connect to Applegreen’s brand identity in Ireland. The building architecture connects to the U.S. by utilizing colonial features and proportions commonly found throughout the East Coast. The design allows for ample signage opportunities to comply with franchise requirements. It features large proportionate windows to allow natural light in during the day and artificial light out in the evening to create an inviting safe environment for customers. All materials proposed by Upland Architects are commonly available and sustainable while offering a low maintenance component important to commercial retail clients.
Upland Architects has provided Applegreen with a building that can be easily rolled out across the country, is flexible to accommodate various franchise brands, low maintenance, and would be a welcome addition to even the most discriminating communities. Most importantly, the design provides Applegreen with a desired look and feel that is unique to Applegreen in North America.